Senate Member Candidate

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Sakhi Das

Zone 4


I’m Sakhi Das, and I’m thrilled to be running as a Senate in Zone 4 for 2024-2025!

Fun fact: Sakhi means “friend,” and that’s exactly how I plan to take my governance—as a friend who listens, supports, and acts.

I’ve contributed over 40 hours volunteering both on and off campus because I genuinely love giving back and connecting with others. I love teaching, I enjoy tutoring my friends in subjects, I’m good at (because let’s be real, we all do better when we help each other out!).

I’m a big fan of theatre and was part of a group called Sarvsaksham, which means “fully capable of everything.” It’s a great reminder that “we cannot live our lives twice, so let’s make it worth it in one go!”

Above all, I believe in kindness. “If I can’t make someone’s day better, I’ll make sure not to ruin it either.” That’s the mindset I’ll bring to the Senate—positive, uplifting, and focused on making NAITSA even better for all of us.

So, if you’re looking for a friend who’s here to make a real difference(and maybe bring a little extra sunshine),  vote for me, Sakhi Das, Zone 4.

Candidate articles are published as received and may not reflect the opinion of the NAIT Students' Association.