Nominations open August 27 – September 25 @4pm
Discuss and make decisions on big picture issues that concern Nait students
12 student representative
10 meetings throughout the school year
Honorarium up to $723
Leadership experience
Your position will be recognized on your co-curricular transcripts
Interested in becoming a senate member?
Nominations open August 27 – September 25 @ 4pm
Quick Links:
Interested in Student Government?
Five reasons to consider getting involved in Senate
If elected you’d be a voting member of the NAITSA Senate, which is the “governing body” for a multi-million dollar organization. No matter what career path you choose, being a board member is valuable experience. Aside from the first-hand knowledge of how meetings are conducted, participation on the Senate will promote skills such as accountability, decision-making, communication, teamwork and more. Elected Senators also approve NAITSA’s annual budget and bylaws.
Your perspective as a student is vital as you will be expected to hold the association accountable.
Every institution has room for improvement. If elected you will be a key person NAIT wants to hear from, to get the students’ perspective. NAIT wants to know what students think and they will come to the senate to find out.
You’ll find that you automatically have your ear to the ground and that will help you make the most of your
NAIT experience.
It’s a safe bet that you want a good job when you leave NAIT. Most students don’t realize how employers make hiring decisions. Here’s a hint: Two NAIT grads… same diploma… same grades… but one was a “Senate board member” for their NAIT Electorial Zone. Guess which one gets the first call for an interview. And your Senate position will appear on your co-curricular transcripts.
The Responsibilities of a Senate board member
Attend one to two Senate meetings per month on Wednesday’s (meetings at 5:00pm) for a total of ten meetings (some exceptions apply).
Attend two mandatory training sessions: Wednesday, October 23,
and Tuesday, October 29, 2024, from 5:00-7:30pm.
Represent the students of NAIT fairly and honestly. During question period in Senate meetings you get to ask questions of the student Executive Council on their goals, achievements and meetings that happen during their term.
So If I Am Interested, How Do I Get Elected?
You only need ten students from your Electorial Zone to nominate you. If you decide to be a candidate, email Leeanne Mills for direction on collecting signatures for nomination.
The deadline is Monday, September 25, 2024 at 4:00pm to Leeanne Mills, Administration Director, NAIT Students’ Association at
It’s easier to get votes than you think. Campaigning starts as soon as your completed nomination form is accepted by NAITSA. A good way to start is by telling your own classmates that you’re running for Senate and remind them to vote online October 11-17, 2024. Get prior approval from instructors to speak to your class.
There are no speeches or debates, but you can make approved posters and campaign materials. Just get out there and talk to other NAIT students about issues that concern them.